OMFG, Inception is mind blowing!


I just went to see Inception, and I can’t say anything bad about it, it’s just amazing!

To be completely honest the trailers did nothing for me, in fact I didn’t expect anything good about it, and I just went to see it because I didn’t have to pay for my ticket.

I’m glad I was wrong about this movie.

I haven’t really enjoyed a movie the way I enjoyed this one for a long time, I think the last time I had this feeling was with The Matrix back in 1999.

The whole concept is just incredible, the acting was superb, the special effects were great, and the action was glorious.

I can’t really say anything I didn’t like about it, in fact half-way through the movie I realized I was smiling, can you believe that?

Seriously, go see it, this movie has to be seen on a freaking ginormous screen, in fact if I can I will go see it again to see what I missed (although I don’t think I missed any of the action).

I give this movie a 5/5, it’s just that good.

On a side note, this Old Spice commercial is even more impressive on the big screen, you would not believe how people reacted to it xD


  1. Inception ending. I hate being the person to do this, but I really didn’t get the ending? During the film Di Caprios character warns against death during the inception ‘heist’. Death would mean instant Limbo, right. But to escape Limbo (going off how he and Mal escaped earlier in the film) all one would have to do is kill himself. So what is the issue with death and going to limbo? I assume that the two characters in Limbo at the end killed each other to return to the real world, but why wasn’t the Chinese guys mind fried from being in limbo so long???

    1. Well, the thing about limbo was the stuff they used to fall sleep, it was really potent so it could induce a third level inside the dream, the problem is that dying would not wake them up, they would be lost in limbo instead. The Chinese guy probably stayed in limbo for so long it became used to it and “grew old,” just like Di Caprio’s character did when he was lost there with his wife the first time, so if they killed each other there they finally woke up.

      The thing with the ending is the spinning top, it kind of wiggles and looks like it’s about to fall, but it suddenly goes steady, then it wiggles again near the end but the screen goes blank, so did he really wake up or was he lost too?

      I love that movie 😀

  2. I’ve read the user-reviews that rated it C, D or F and concluded that they were pretty young or not wise sufficient to adhere to the storyline to obtain any satisfaction. They are quite possibly the exact viewers that gave the Eclipse series videos high ratings.

    1. Completely agree, even if you turn out to be a spambot xD

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