E3 2014 Trailers and Clips – Day Two

video games

Day two was pretty much just Nintendo, which didn’t do an actual conference, but a pre-recorded presentation with  a few trailers and clips of upcoming games, and projects in the works.

Many people were actually looking forward to Nintendo announcing their next generation console, but as you can see they’re trying to milk the Wii U as much as they can. That aside, it’s got a pretty interesting library of games coming up. However, I feel they are spending too much time coming up with games based on Super Mario Bros characters, the whole presentation pretty was pretty much about Super Smash Bros, and a bit on Legend of Zelda and it’s mashups.

Don’t take me wrong, I love the idea of using a Mii Super Smash Bros, but they uploaded more than 50 clips, and only a handful were covered in the conference.

By the way, I need that Yoshi yarn plushy in my life O_O

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