Just a quick announcement about the errors in my shop


myestoreThere were some issues with a series of recent automatic WordPress updates on my affiliate shop page, and some folks ended up “buying” stuff from me instead of being taken to the sellers’ websites.

Some years ago I started a small affiliate shop like the many websites out there that link to products on other websites. I’m using a custom plugin and theme for WooCommerce, and this is how it works:

  • I submit products with descriptions, pictures, and links to buy or take a look,
  • if you decide you want to purchase something, even if it’s more than one item, a WooCommerce plugin would provide the option of adding them to a cart,
  • when you’re ready for checkout, the site would take you to the checkout page on Amazon, and from there you either finish the purchase, or cancel the transaction.

Everything was working fine for the last couple of months until WordPress automatically updated more than once over the last few weeks. Ever since Wordpress introduced automatic updates, stuff keeps on breaking.

I’ve also been dealing with personal issues over the last few weeks, so I haven’t really been on top of everything as I should, but my biggest issue with this is that some folks that managed to order and even pay for products from my site instead of being taken to Amazon. Hell, some of the products are not even available on Amazon anymore.

Thankfully, all the issues have been fixed for now. I have already sent a few emails explaining the situation to the confused buyers, and even had to return money from Paypal transactions that shouldn’t had happened in the first place.






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