Have a decent Christmas

This is probably one of the saddest Christmas I’ve seen in modern times. Memories of walking up and down malls filled with repetitive Christmas music, the smells of perfume samples and the food court mixed foods burning in my nose, and getting to see all the stuff I can’t afford, and people wearing ugly sweaters in public now seem to be a thing that may not come back any time soon.
Sure, the way I put it sounds like a bad thing, but I kind of enjoyed this season. I enjoy Christmas music in moderation, but I developed a little bit of an extreme dislike (hate) for it after spending some time working at a movie theater, in retail, and servicing retail. Strangely enough, I still like instrumental jazz and Bossa nova versions of the songs.
Anyway, this is has been a weird holiday season, and a very strange year in general. I never thought I’d see so many people succumb to this new virus un such a short time, and also see the global economy take a huge punch to the face.
Christmas time is said to be about family, but this POS virus has made even family gatherings really dangerous, so do us all a favor and take care of yourselves.
The new vaccine might or might not work with the current strain of the virus, but at the very least let’s all work towards a common goal; to go have everyone go back to work, school, and its regular routine, so for now,
I wish you all and your loved ones a decent Christmas, a decent dinner, and a decent stupidly expensive game console, or whatever hobby you’re into.