The “Man of Steel” advertising team enjoys their Photoshop effects
On the last two posters you can see their fascination for common Adobe Photoshop filters, such as "lens flare," "radial blur," and "motion blur."
On the last two posters you can see their fascination for common Adobe Photoshop filters, such as "lens flare," "radial blur," and "motion blur."
It might seem just mildly interesting to some, but this is a very good idea.
Probably the cutest Game of Thrones parody yet, I mean, what's better than cute animals representing the four houses from the "Song of Fire and Ice" series of books?
Hilarious and creative Brazilian ad for Dove Men + Care for men.
Check these cool Game of Thrones sigils reworked into popular internet websites by illustrator H. Caldwell Tanner.
Apparently this has become a thing, and it's way better than planking IMHO.
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