A darker, more sophisticated version of Sherlock Holmes?

entertainment movies

I don’t know…I certainly don’t see much resemblance to the source material, other than the names of the characters. It’s really more action and brawn and less brain.

On the other hand, I might have to agree with what someone said earlier, that this is a re-imagining, which means they really doesn’t have to follow the original story lines, sort of like the 007 reboot. And the insane action must probably come from the fact that nobody respects the ways that Holmes used to operate anymore, so he had to somehow adjust to the times, and get more physical. At least, that’s one way of seeing it, without being so pissed off D:


  1. LOL, it’s more like Indiana Jones acting as Sherlock Holmes xD

  2. As my favorite literary character, I must say, So far I’m confused more than anything. Downey and Law don’t look anything like who they are portraying, and it looks more like an action/adventure more than a straight up mystery. But then again this isn’t Sherlock Holmes, it’s guy Ritchie doing Sherlock Holmes. :/

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