First look at the new Superman in costume

comics movies

Warner Bros. Pictures unveiled the first picture of Henry Cavill in costume in his role as Superman.

The suit’s material kind of looks like the Amazing Spider-Man suit, and the “S” in the chest appears to be a lot bigger than the one used in “Superman Returns.”

It doesn’t look bad, but they’re gonna have to do something about that hair. I know a lot of people aren’t gonna be happy about this, but let’s face it, the Superman Christopher Reeve gave us was something taken out of the Golden Age of comic books, it was full of unnecessary puns and jokes, and the only real challenge was in the 4th movie, and that one didn’t do very well.

Superman Returns had its chance, and they blew it big time, so let’s give this guy a chance, I’m all for story, let’s not go for the “Christopher Reeve is the only Superman for me,” that’s BS.



  1. Give it a chance??? They’re using a British actor to play an American icon, they’re making Lois Lane a redhead, and they’re making Perry White colored when he’s not. Sorry people but you blew it.

    1. Well, the choice of actor doesn’t really bother me, after all Superman is technically an alien, and let’s not forget that new incarnation of Sherlock Holmes is being played by an American actor. There are a few changes I’m not satisfied with either, but considering all the problems DC Comics has had in the last few years with the family of the creator of Superman, I see why they are making certain changes so they don’t get sued again. Perry White being played by a black actor is a little weird, but keep in mind the Christopher Reed movies had barely any black actors, so I see where they are going with this. As for Lois being a redhead, hair color doesn’t bother me one bit =D.

  2. I agree, give it a chance. That and Superman Returns was awful.

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