This sounds just wrong: Attack on Titan and Marvel crossover



Marvel writer C.B. Cebulski announced on Twitter that Marvel will be making a especial crossover with Hajime Isayama’s “Attack on Titan.”

I don’t think I have to tell you this, but that manga is huge right now, and the anime is just as big, with more and more followers every day.

Attack on Titan takes place in a fictional world in what appears to be the 1500s, so I have absolutely no idea how Marvel will be able to incorporate that to New York City, which is where most of the Marvel super heroes live. Celulski also provided a preview, which confirms that the story will take place in NYC.


This crossover will be released in two weeks in Japan first, who knows when they’ll release it to the rest of the world.

I’m gonna be honest here, I’m hating on it already because the New Avengers/Transformers crossover from a few years back sucked, and I think the only reason they’re making it is to cash in on the Attack on Titan popularity. I’m sure the superpowered Marvel characters will probably kill all the titans in record time, kind of defeating the point of the struggle of the AoT characters….

I think the only good thing to come out of this awful idea is the parodies.



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