The lenghts this dad went to get his daughter Labyrinth dolls will blow your mind
It’s not unusual for children to want things, mostly products that are either no longer on sale, or never existed after they were shown an old movie or series. But when this dad found out the Labyrinth dolls his seven year old daughter wanted were not available, he took it upon himself to get her the dolls, even if he had to make them.
Now, by making them I mean he “re-purposed” some Barbie dolls and created a work of beauty. Of course this requires talent and lots of work, but the results are amazing.
- “decided to make her dolls. used this one for sarahs body and for beginning of dress”
- “used this one for jareth”
- “used the head for sarah”
- “took this head and used the hair for jareth and kept earrings for other sarah head”
- “new head on dress body”
- “remove pink straps and embellishments”
- “used enamel model paint to make gloves and eyeshadow for jareth”
- “cut big pompadour bulge off of front with razor”
- “use black enamel to make hairline match”
- “use black enamel to make eyebrows bigger”
- “use barbie for donor hair”
- “glue on hair in layers, use black enamel for eyebrows”
- “look stupid for a while”
- “get tons of hair on your fingers”
- “use this stuff from hobby lobby for puff sleeves and jareth’s cravat”
- “beginning of puff sleeve”
- “beginning of cravat”
- “puff sleeves are hot glued to arm (cheat) wires and beads hot glues to hair and dress”
- “change eye color, add rouge, hot glue gems to earrings”
- “get images from google, print box cover on card stock and hot glue to plastic”
- “glittery ribbon to make jareth’s jacket and vest”
- “more hair layers”
- “do it in clumps”
- “trim as you go”
- “getting close”
- “in box”
And this is the final product:
I’ve seen other artists do similar things with Barbie dolls for show or sell, but to go through so much trouble to please his daughter is really commendable, especially because this takes some talent and patience, and I have neither.
If at some point his daughter stops liking them he could sell them, I’m sure many fans of this movie would love to have them.
sauce: [imagergur]