Watch the FIFA World Cup 2010 streaming live
If you had to register, pay, or watch bad streams full of gigantic ads that cover more than half of the screen you should be ashamed.
If you had to register, pay, or watch bad streams full of gigantic ads that cover more than half of the screen you should be ashamed.
I guess most of us expected this type of commercials from the Japanese, and yes, they are really cool.
A good solution to cleaning your computer screen.
There are engine filter commercials, and there there's Purolator's Metal Wars!
Until a few hours ago I had no idea there was such thing as barefoot shoes, or barefoot running shoes to be precise, sounds like a contradiction, but they turn out to be shoes made to mimic the natural movement of the naked foot.
Have you ever stared blindly at the coolers at a convenience store or supermarket thinking "what should I try this time"? Well, this helpful flowchart is for you!
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