Marvel Recycles Thor into a Female Character
Because they can't just create a new character, Thor is suddenly no longer worthy of Mjolnir, and now a woman will be wielding the power of the god of thunder.
Because they can't just create a new character, Thor is suddenly no longer worthy of Mjolnir, and now a woman will be wielding the power of the god of thunder.
Finally, after the whole "teaser" thing Marvel finally released the full official trailer for the upcoming "Iron Man 3" movie.
It ain't news by now that Marvel Comics is doing a soft reboot, sort of like what DC Comics did, but without the excessive changes (says them).
Holy super hero USB memorabilia, Batman!
She doesn't have superpowers, yet she's part of one of the most powerful teams in the Marvel universe, how did she do it?
Never has so much EPICNESS been found in just one picture.
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