The Infamous KFC Double Down Chicken Sandwich
My brother told me about it a few days ago but I thought it was a joke or something, I mean, who would ever do such a thing right? That’s eating oily-greasy chicken + greasy cheeses + oily-greasy chicken, that’s certainly enough to give anybody a heart attack, it’s suicide, or in the lesser extent, it’s enough to give a person with acne the breakout of a lifetime…..
Still curious? Wanna know what’s inside this killer baby?
- 2 Original Recipe Filets
- Bacon
- Pepper Jack Cheese
- Swiss Cheese
- Colonel’s Sauce
I have no idea what “Colonel’s Sauce” is and I don’t think I want to know @_@…
So here it is in all its glory:
And here’s the commercial, you might want to turn up the volume as this was taken with a cameraphone from a tv.
I heard somewhere this small meal has over 1,600 calories, so no thank you Colonel, I like my sandwiches with actual bread, I bet a lot of people on a diet will use the excuse of not eating bread to buy this monster, good luck losing weight afterward
Source: Food Geekery and YouTube.