Tupac Hologram Live At The Haunted Mansion (remix)

music wtf

[NOTE] Vimeo took down the clip as well, it was recently uploaded to youtube again by Andy Rehfeldt, so if it’s takent down again just Google the title and the guy’s name and you might find it somewhere else.

The creepy Tupac hologram performance remixed with a creepy soundtrack.

Everybody is talking about the Tupac holographic concert this past weekend, so why not have a remix that finishes the job of making it extra spooky?

At least he didn’t say he wrote that song in ’94.


  1. YouTube took my video dub down! Here it is https://vimeo.com/40628859

    1. Why did they take it down? Copyright issues? Man, the Youtube mods suck. Thanks for the link 😉

      1. Thank you for posting it. YouTube busted many ” Tupac Hologram” uploaders because they own all of the Coachella footage.

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